Raleigh Wake Citizens Association
A Legacy of Advocacy
The Raleigh-Wake Citizens Association (RWCA) is a nonpartisan advocacy organization established in 1932. We advocate for public policy that positively affects people of color and underserved communities. Our goal is to empower Raleigh- Wake County residents to protect, encourage, educate, and support their civic, economic, social, educational, and political advancement.
For 90 years, the Raleigh-Wake Citizens Association (RWCA) has been an influential factor in supporting positive and progressive policy in Wake County.
RWCA Target Focus Areas
Our Committees
Education Committee: The Education Committee focuses on empowering the Raleigh-Wake community to improve academic performance and educational outcomes for youth. We achieve these aims through the following goals:
- Collaborating with organizations and community members
- Researching education-related policy
- Advocating political solutions for education-related issues
Membership Committee: The Membership Committee recruits members and advises on how the Association’s membership can reach its greatest potential.
Legislative Committee: The Legislative Committee monitors and reports regularly to the organization on pertinent legislation, related policies, and governmental agencies that affect the well-being of residents in our community.
Economic Development Committee: The Economic Development Committee monitors and promotes economic development for the betterment of the community.
2022 Midterm Elections
Endorsed Candidates
The Raleigh Wake Citizens Association M-PAC has endorsed the following candidates for the 2022 General and Raleigh Municipal election. Click on the button below to view a sample Wake County Ballot with our endorsed candidates selected.
Election Key Dates
- Oct. 14: Voter Registration Deadline
- Oct. 20-Nov. 5 at 3 p.m.: One-stop, in-person early voting period.
- Nov. 1: Deadline to submit an absentee ballot request. If you want to by mail, visit the online absentee ballot portal or fill out a paper form, and mail it or hand-deliver it to the Wake County Board of Elections by Nov. 1.
- Nov. 8: Election Day. Polls open from 6:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. Click here to find your polling site.
Election Key Dates
Wake County has 15 early voting sites. Vote early to avoid long lines during the early voting period. Per Wake County, the busiest times are around lunchtime on weekdays, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Saturdays, and the last three days of the Early Voting period.
Get Involved with RWCA
Attend an RWCA Meeting
Attend a virtual meeting! RWCA meets via Zoom on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm.
Become an RWCA Member
Join RWCA by mailing your current year dues of $30 to PO Box 27145, Raleigh, NC 27611, and make checks and money orders payable to “RWCA.” Include your first and last name, phone number, and email address.
Connect with RWCA
Mailing Address
PO Box 27145, Raleigh, NC 27611
Email RWCA at trustandbelievenc@aol.com
Email us for more information or to join our list.